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Prevalence, Comorbidity, and Sociodemographic Correlates of Psychiatric Disorders Reported in the All of Us Research Program. 2022. JAMA Psychiatry.


Polygenic risk for schizophrenia is associated with differential neural connectivity in unaffected adolescent and young adult males. 2021 Translational Psychiatry


Pathways to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Dependence: Trauma, Executive functioning, and family history of alcoholism in adolescents and young adults. 2020. Brain and Behavior.


Early Sexual Trauma Exposure and Neural Response Inhibition in Adolescence and Young Adults: Trajectories of Frontal Theta Oscillations during a Go/NoGo Task. 2019. JAACAP.


Childhood Interpersonal Violence and Adult Alcohol, Cannabis, and Tobacco Use Disorders. 2018. Psychological Medicine


Trans-ancestral GWAS of alcohol dependence reveals common genetic underpinnings with psychiatric disorders. 2018. Nature Neuroscience.

An Endophenotype Approach to the Genetics of Alcohol Dependence: A Genome Wide Association Study of Fast Beta EEG in Families of African Ancestry. 2017. Molecular Psychiatry


Childhood Trauma and Illicit Drug Use in Adolescence: A Population-Based National Comorbidity Survey Replication-Adolescent Supplement Study. 2016. JAACAP.


Frequency of Alcohol Consumption in Humans; the Role of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors and Downstream Signaling Pathways. 2015. Translational Psychiatry


Childhood maltreatment, 9/11 exposure, and latent dimensions of psychopathology: A test of stress sensitization. 2015. Journal of Psychiatric Research.


Interaction between Polygenic Risk for Cigarette Use and Environmental Exposures in the Detroit Neighborhood Health Study. 2013. Translational Psychiatry


Selected Journal Publications 



Genetic relationships between PTSD and Alcohol Use Disorder: Integrating GWAS & Deeply Phenotyped Longitudinal Data. National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01 AA030010, PIs: JL Meyers, A Amstadter), 2022-2027


Social connections, risk for COVID-era psychiatric and substance use disorders, and HIV control, National Institute of Mental Health (R01 MH128955, PIs: JL Meyers, T Wilson), 2022-2027


COVID-19 pandemic stress and coping activities, polygenic and neural vulnerabilities in those at risk for Alcohol Use Disorders, National Institutes of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01 AA029914, PIs: JL Meyers, B Porjesz), 2021-2024


Brain Function and Neurogenomic influences on AUD risk and resilience, National Institutes of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (R01 AA028848, PIs: JL Meyers, B Porjesz, C Kamarajan, A Pandey), 2021-2026


Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (PI: B Porjesz; Brain Function Project Leads: J Meyers, B Porjesz), National Institutes of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (U10AA008401), 1989-2024


African Ancestry Genomic Psychiatry Cohort, National Institute of Mental Health (R01 MH104964, PIs: Pato, Pato, Bigdeli, Fanous)


Latino Ancestry Genomic Psychiatry Cohort (R01 MH104964, PIs: Pato, Pato, Bigdeli, Fanous)


Mentored Research Scientist Award (PI: JL Meyers) Gene-Environment Interaction for Cannabis Use Disorders in Blacks and Whites in the U.S., National Institute of Drug Abuse​ (K01DA037914), 2015-2020


NARSAD Early Investigator Award, Polygenic Risk for Psychosis on Neural Connectivity in Adolescents and Young Adults at Risk for Substance Use Disorders, Brain and Behavior Foundation (PI: JL Meyers), 2019-2021


Post-doctoral Fellowship, Psychiatric Epidemiology (PI: B Link, D Hasin), National Institute of Mental Health (2T32MH1304341), 2012-2015


Pre-doctoral Fellowship, Research Training in Psychiatric and Statistical Genetics (PI: MC Neale), National Institute of Mental Health (2T32MH020030), 2011-2012


Early Career Investigator Award, Research Society on Alcoholism, 2019



National Institutes of Health Funding
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